Looking for precise information
- Solution Finder
How does the Solution Finder work? Simply make your selection from the criteria proposed (Your industry, Our Services, Your Issues/Interests) to specify the service that you’re looking for and you’ll be directed to the relevant results page. Take a look at the Solution Finder for yourself.
- Your assets
You have an issue? We have the solution! What are the issues facing you or your company today? We imagine that they can be found in many different areas, from mobile assets (trains, ships, planes…) and fixed assets (civil infrastructures, buildings, landscaping, utilities), through a wide range of systems, standards (processes and procedures) and specific products, all the way to personnel (training). We’d like to help you solve these issues with concrete solutions and services.
- Local country contacts
To get contact details for our office or to get more information about service we provide in your country, please contact us by phone, emails or through our contact form.
- Main menu
The main menu is located on the left and the top of the screen. You can use this menu to access all of the site’s sections.
- Second level menu
The second level menu is located on the left-hand side of each page. You can use this menu to access all the site’s sub-sections, with an access to the home page too.
This menu is located at the top of each page. This menu enables you to access the sections’ « home », along with the « site map », « contact » and legal details.
- Breadcrumb trail
The breadcrumb trail is located on every page just under the identity banner. It enables you to locate exactly where you are on the site and to return quickly to the higher-level navigation pages. The starting point is the home page of the site you are looking at (i.e. the site name).
- Internal browsing
When there is lengthy text on a page, internal browsing is recommended. There is a « return to the top of the page » link at the end of each section. This enables you to find the main menu, the breadcrumb trail or the internal browser. In addition, a link allows you to consult the previous page(s). « Email » functions are also available.
- Search engine
This search engine allows you to search for information without using a traditional browser.
– Only words and figures with 1 or more characters are accepted.
– The maximum number of characters is 100.
– Quotation marks can be used to search for an exact expression.
– AND, OR and NOT are prefix words, overruling the default operator.
– +/|/- equals AND, OR and NOT as operators.
– The results are classed in order of decreasing relevance.
– The key words are highlighted in the results. For people who are colour blind, the key words are also in italics.
- Downloadable files
Certain text, video, graphic and audio files require « plug-ins »: these are small software tools, which are free and easy to install.
To install a « plug-in »:
-click on the corresponding link below
-download the file
-when the download has finished, double click on the installation file.
This will extract the « plug-in » and place it in the directory containing your browser’s other plug-ins.
– Exit the browser and restart it.
– Free download for the Acrobat Reader plug-in (version 7 or later)
– Free download for the RealPlayer plug-in (version 10 or later)
– Free download for Shockwave Player plug-in (version 10 or later)
– Free download for Macromedia Flash Player plug-in (version 8 or later)
- Screen resolution and browser compatibility
QUALITAS PRIMUM websites have been optimized for the following:
- Screen resolution of 1024 X 768
- Browsers:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x et 6.x
- Netscape Navigator 6.2
- Mozilla Firefox version 1.x et 1.5
- Apple Safari.