• this is an innovative cleaning market system that links various differing standards that seeks to provide an opportunity to be unique in a competitive market, but is also in line with the existing quality management standards and encourages the provision of better-quality services;
  • can be used as a quality assurance guarantor, which allows the emergence of quality control systems and standards;
  • is a mark of quality, which gives a strong competitive advantage. It is compatible with occupational safety and environmental protection and ISO standards while motivating employees and increasing mutual understanding between the cleaning company and its client;
  • provides value add for the customer and the cleaning company, so both parties become the winners (Win-Win principle);
  • stimulates and motivates the cleaning staff (cleaners), and therefore © STAND™ gives a new dimension to the field of cleaning services, this is the TRIPLE WIN™ principle: (WIN-WIN-WIN™ due to which all parties win: cleaning services customer, a cleaning service company and a cleaning specialist).
  • © STAND 9100™ – the cleanliness standards for the required cleaning and landscaping results are linked to quality determination and evaluation systems (LVS 1051, QLT-100, INSTA 800, NEN 2075, GOST R 51870 and other evaluation models).
  • © STAND EDU™ – QUALITAS PRIMUM accredited and certified practical and methodological training system for cleaning specialists, team leaders, supervisors, inspectors, auditors, managers, directors, technologists, and administrators.
  • A quality cleaning and landscaping service, using the © STAND™ system and managing it effectively, will provide the required service and results at the time of delivery. © STAND™ is used as a quality assurance system, followed by quality control systems and processes.
  • For cleaning services customers, the system © STAND™ provides reliability, trust, quality assurance, control, improved service quality, optimised costs, and increased mutual understanding between the cleaning company and its customer.
  • For cleaning services businesses, © STAND™ is a quality label that provides a strong competitive advantage, optimises service prices, motivates employees, is compatible with work safety and environmental protection, ISO 9001 standards, and increases the mutual understanding between the cleaning company and its customer.
  • For cleaners and cleanliness specialists, the © STAND™ provides more skills, expertise, self-esteem, career enhancement and competencies regarding the evaluation of cleanliness results, and increases competitiveness.
The European Committee for Standardisation (CEN) and the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) distinguish the cleaning services sector as one of the markets for which standards are required. System © STAND™ is a set of standards that does not restrict the operation, but provides additional benefits to customers and cleaning companies:
  • strengthens competitive advantage;
  • eliminates barriers to trade in services;
  • facilitates contract monitoring, enforcement and pricing;
  • improves the quality levels of cleaning activities;
  • increases consumer protection;
  • contributes to effective risk management;
  • increases customer confidence and satisfaction;
  • increases productivity;
  • facilitates compliance with service requirements;
  • contributes to occupational safety and environmental protection.

The system © STAND™ makes a significant contribution to improving the cleaning services sector, the developing processes of cleaning services, promotes high-quality results and boosts competitive advantage.

According to system © STAND™, cleaning quality is a continuous process that includes training, quality assurance, control, leadership, measurement methods and continuous improvement of services whilst optimising costs.

The minimum standards (© STAND 9100™, etc.) and the minimum acceptable cleaning quality levels are set as the baseline, which makes it easy to evaluate, compare, improve and make more efficient the result of cleaning services.