About INSTA 800
The INSTA 800 model provides a cleaning quality level measurement and quality control system. The INSTA 800 is based on the standard EN 13549.
The INSTA 800 assessment system describes two main principles for the cleaning quality assessment: visual inspection and inspection using measuring instruments. Methods of measuring devices may be required for specific types of premises such as electronics, pharmaceuticals, food production, laboratories, etc., when the cleaning service customer specifies certain quality requirements or regulatory requirements.
The INSTA 800 quality level evaluation model is used in a variety of ways:
- checking the quality level of cleaning achieved;
- assessing the level of pollution and / or the frequency of pollution recurrence;
- as a requirement of results, related to the performance of cleaning services;
- to evaluate the cleaning activities necessary to achieve a certain level of quality;
- to determine the quality of cleaning activities.

The INSTA 800 standard describes the application of the measurement system to determine the required quality and to check the quality of the cleaning achieved.
The INSTA 800 model can be used in all types of buildings and areas, such as administrative buildings, hospitals, schools, nurseries, supermarkets, shops, production halls, etc. regardless of cleaning methods, frequency or system.
The essential requirement of this model is that the measurement of cleaning quality must be carried out immediately after the cleaning task has been completed.
The INSTA 800 assessment model does not include measurement and control of the quality level of cleaning, such as consumables and their replenishment, emptying of rubbish bins, waste management and other cleaning work. INSTA 800 does not have the capacity to assess the quality of landscaping services.
In practice, the model INSTA 800 is also called “Cleaning by your eyes”, which is the main idea of INSTA 800. When using this model, cleaners (cleanliness specialists), managers and customers must have the same understanding of the required results and an acceptable (set) quality level. The model is oriented towards the results of the cleaning services, but not the cleaning process itself.
The INSTA 800 provides a detailed description of the assessment system, indicating the quality of cleaning for each task and the quality assessment criteria.
The standard INSTA 800 defines the groups of cleaning objects and their assessment, details the type of surface dirtiness, provides the cleaning inspection strategy, surface quality level and compliance criteria. It specifies six levels of quality (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) that evaluate the results of cleaning provided, as well as the exact number of tolerable discrepancies per square meter of the floor. The assessment model has a basic 4% acceptable quality limit (AQL), but the customer has the ability to reduce or increase that, depending on the specifics of the activity.
The INSTA 800 divides the room cleaned into four groups of surfaces to be cleaned:
Using the INSTA 800, an external cleaning quality audit (conformity assessment) is performed according to the frequency set and agreed with the customer, but at least every three months.
Required information for using the INSTA 800 model:
The INSTA 800 provides greater confidence and motivation for the cleaner, cleaning services company and customer. The system focuses on the definition of the quality level and its continuous determination. In addition to external audits, the service provider and the customer must evaluate the quality of day-to-day cleaning services at a defined frequency, but not less than determined in the standard INSTA 800 evaluation model.
Application, introduction, training and certification of the INSTA 800 standard.
- detailed plan of the premises and the division of the areas of the building;
- detailed breakdown of items by group of objects;
- detailed description and breakdown of pollutants (nonconformities);
- detailed description of the acceptable quality level;
- list of competencies of persons performing cleaning quality audits;
- detailed frequency of quality checks of the cleaning.
Cleaning services companies, cleaning services customers or other related persons can apply the INSTA 800 standard on a voluntary basis, but in order to confirm the validation of the standard used they should get a certificate. QUALITAS PRIMUM performs the certification process and issues certificates as an independent third party to those who have introduced quality control system according to GOST R 51870.
QUALITAS PRIMUM provides the application and introduction of the assessment model INSTA 800 in the organisation’s quality control systems. We can also provide training for employees (cleaners (cleanliness specialists), team leaders, supervisors, managers, directors), and perform independent certification.
©INSTA 800:2018 – INSTA 800-1 Valymo kokybės nustatymo ir vertinimo sistema + INSTA 800 Organizacijų ir asmenų, naudojančių INSTA 800-1, atitikties įvertinimo ir atitikties reikalavimams sertifikavimas;
©INSTA 800-1:2018 System for establishing and assessing cleaning quality + INSTA 800-2:2018 Certification of companies and persons using INSTA 800-1 – Requirements for attestation of conformity;
©NS-INSTA 800-1:2018 Rengjøringskvalitet – Del 1: System for å fastsette og bedømme rengjøringskvalitet;
©NS-INSTA 800-2:2018 Rengjøringskvalitet – Del 2: Sertifisering av organisasjoner og personer som anvender NS-INSTA 800-1 – Krav til samsvarsvurdering og etterlevelse;
©DS/INSTA 800-1:2018 + DS/INSTA 800-2 E:2018 Rengøringskvalitet – System til fastlæggelse og bedømmelse af rengøringskvalitet;
©SS 627801:2017 även kallad INSTA 800 (System för fastställande och bedömning av städkvalitet);
©SFS 5994 Siivouksen tekninen laatu. Mittaus- ja arviointijärjestelmä (INSTA 800).