QUALITAS PRIMUM’s specialisation is in public procurement and business sector tenders of cleaning and landscaping services. We focus on tender of these services and becoming a market leader in this field.
Organisations which have sufficient knowledge and practical experience on the process of organising public procurement and the specificity or exclusivity of the procured object are accompanied by success, when performing public procurements or participating in them. Having the documents and complying with the laws and regulations does not ensure the achievement of an efficient, cost-effective and high-quality offering for the contracting authority. The knowledge of the specifics of the purchased landscaping, janitorial, and cleaning services, as well as the smooth provision of these services after the completion of public procurement, is one of the main indicators for the successful acquisition of cleaning services and territory maintenance services.
In order to perform efficient, value-add procurement, it is necessary to understand the legal regulations and to have practical knowledge of the goods, services and works being purchased. If you need additional methodological and practical knowledge in the public procurement of cleaning services and landscaping services, don’t be shy, feel to contact QUALITAS PRIMUM. We have extensive experience and high-level competencies in the often-complex process of purchasing of cleaning and landscaping services.