The current economic market and the conditions of intense competition are forcing cleaning services buyers and cleaning companies to evaluate more rationally their possibilities, potential and resources. Standards © STAND 9100™ addresses the satisfaction of customers’ expectations and needs, the promotion of cleaning companies, the improvement of cleaning and cleaning services quality, and links the evaluation of objective (obtained) cleaning, provided with organisational management systems. Standards © STAND 9100™ help objectively determine, whether the services meet the requirements, select the cleaning companies that meet most the customer’s expectations, the quality and price ratio, contributes to the risk management of the poor provision of services, reduces the probability of disputes and complaints, clarifies for the customer and service provider the essence of the concepts of cleanliness, hygiene and environment.
Cleaning services – a system that provides a clean, representative, safe and hygienic environment by cleaning, maintaining and providing services related to cleaning in order to provide the determined results and an acceptable (or higher) quality level of cleanliness. Cleaning and janitorial services are understood as a systemic process that eliminates various dirtiness and nonconformities within the environment, cleans and maintains the elements within a defined environment. The ultimate goal of cleaning and maintenance is to ensure that unwanted nonconformities and dirt are eliminated and that the elements in the environment are maintained to ensure aesthetic and reduce the risks to human health and the environment.